Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sometimes the best plans are the plans that aren't planned at all. I feel like there is a lot of pressure to have plans for holidays such as New Year's Eve, Memorial Day, Fourth of July... Somehow, I have been brainwashed to believe that I am supposed to be at or hosting a fabulous gathering that people will talk about for months, and if I am neither invited nor have enough invitees, I am a loser. I expressed this to Dan who quickly responded, "You aren't a loser, you're a parent." Hmmmm. I am pretty sure at some point these two words will be synonymous to if not both, at least one of my children.

As of last Thursday, we had no plans, which quickly turned into not enough time to do everything. We went to a country fair on Saturday, and by country, I mean cattle and chicken contests, with ribbons, and bake-offs and the like. It was Charlotte's Web in real life. Sunday brought a family hike at our local drumlin, Mount Pizka. (I don't actually know if that is how you spell it, but I do know that a drumlin is some sort of glacial formation. I know this because Dan told me.) Our hike was followed by an outdoor dining and drinking in the backyard with our neighbors.

Sunday brought a last minute get together with the girls, the kids, AND the husbands. There are never husbands. But they trekked to good ole Hudson from the far regions of Rhode Island and New Hampshire and we ordered Chinese food. This may have been one of the best BBQs ever. There was no cooking, no cleaning, no responsibilities for anyone to bring anything. It was, in short, fabulous. And it gets better! After we had Chinese food, we headed up the road, about five miles, and did some early apple picking, cider drinking, donut eating, and goat petting. No losers here.

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